When you’re on call, your pager doesn’t stop buzzing. Alerts flood in from multiple monitoring tools, often filled with redundant or low-priority notifications.
The result? You waste time sifting through noise instead of focusing on real incidents. This not only slows down response times but also leads to alert fatigue, making it harder to react when a real problem arises.
Introducing Alert Noisiness: Tools to reduce noise for responders overtime
With Alert Noisiness, Rootly gives responders and admins better control over incoming alerts. Now, you can easily mark alerts as noise and deprioritize them, helping teams refine their monitoring systems over time.
Here's how it works:
- Mark Alerts as Noise: Responders can quickly classify low-priority alerts as “noise” inside the Rootly UI or Slack.
- Review noisy Alerts to change monitor events: Admins can review noisy alerts and optimize alert rules to reduce unnecessary pages.
- Track Signal-to-Noise rates overtime: A new dashboard report helps teams measure alert effectiveness and make data-driven improvements.
With Alert Noisiness, over time teams will be completely focused on what truly matters in incident response.
🌝 New & Improved
🆕 Page an on-call responder using a User Group in Slack.
🆕 Create shift overrides directly in Slack.
💅 Export the On-Call Readiness report for easy sharing.
💅 Alerts paging an Escalation Policy directly are now assigned team ownership based on which team owns the Escalation Policy.
🐛 Fixed an issue preventing removing incident roles from Team Members.