🔦 Drop-down Search in Escalation Policy Builder

🔦 Drop-down Search in Escalation Policy Builder

When it all boils down, on-call is about making sure the right people are notified at the right time when things break. This could be a specific team, schedule, individual(s), or even a Slack channel. Yet many tools on the market make this simple task needlessly complicated to configure by only allowing escalation policies to page services or individuals. This leaves users who want to set up on-call rotations for teams who may not own a specific service—for example, a Legal team—stuck relying on tricky workarounds to ensure they’re notified correctly.

We’ve made it simple. When you create an escalation policy in Rootly, you can assign it to a service or team, and you can notify Slack channels and individuals within the same policy used to page the on-call schedule of your choice. All these alert recipients are found in easily searchable drop-downs. Take a look:

It’s never been easier or more straightforward to create and manage your escalation policies, no matter who’s receiving the alert!

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 On-call responders are now automatically added to the Slack channel when an Incident is created from a Rootly Alert
💅 Improved formatting of Alert and Incident timeline events for better consistency and readability
💅 Improved error messages when enforcing character limits across the UI
🐛 Fixed Workflow default names so they now match the Name field
🐛 Fixed the file editor Show More/Hide toggle so it can now display the read view.

Rootly helps you respond to incidents faster as a team and learn to prevent them in the future.