Create a consistent and streamlined incident process.

Alert Enrichment

  • An alert from PagerDuty is only one piece of the puzzle. Automatically pull in metrics and logs across all your environments in seconds.
  • Start debugging incidents with the right information at your fingertips without leaving Slack.
  • Fetch everything from your last 10 GitHub commits to a snapshot of your Datadog dashboard, our integrations cover it all.
See it in action
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rootly rootly

Workflow Automation

  • Use our drag-and-drop workflow creator to define automated runbooks for every part of the incident process.
  • Automatically trigger specific runbooks based on incident conditions, such as by severity or affected service, instead of scrolling through Google Docs/Confluence.
  • Set automated runbooks for everything from reminding you to periodically update your status page to notifying legal whenever there is a security incident.
  • Unlock tribal knowledge typically siloed with senior engineers and allow anyone to tap into it.
Create a workflow
Start putting out fires faster with Rootly

Rootly is free (forever) for teams up to five. We also offer paid plans with additional seats, features, and support.
